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Sabtu, 09 Februari 2008

RE: **childcareland2** problem learning letters

Thanks.  The Mom will talk to the teacher about possible dyslexia, etc since there is a family history of it.  In the meantime, I've decided to not insist that she have to learn them.  We are just going to do fun activities with letters and hope that she catches on.  I told the mother to make a set of flashcards to use for a game.  Give her one of the cards while in the car and see how many of that letter she can find while looking out of the window.  At this time the child has told me that she is too stupid to learn letters.  That really saddens me because she is very intelligent.  She learns everything else very quickly which makes this really difficult to understand.  Hopefully the teacher will have some solutions but I have a feeling that she is part of the problem and that with a different teacher next year, the child will do better.

Michelle Stilwell <> wrote:

It could be possible that she has some auditory processing issues going on.  My niece couldn¡¯t be more like what you have described your dcg as and she was just this year diagnosed with a learning disability.  I hope you find a solution for her.  I know my sis is taking her to a psychologist at the moment to see if they can ¡°find what techniques will be the best to use to teach her and help her understand.¡±
Michelle S¢¾

From: [] On Behalf Of Petra Smith
Sent: Tuesday, February 05, 2008 11:06 PM
Subject: **childcareland2** problem learning letters
I have a 4.8 year old dcg.  She attends the public school pre-k program 5 half days per week.  Her teacher informed her mother a couple of weeks ago that this child does not know her letters.  This surprised me because she always responded with the group at my home but now that I think about she always responded a split second after the other children.  I have been working with her one on one for the last couple of weeks and am getting nowhere.  She knows her B, C, M, O, S and X.  She does not want to learn the other letters.  Any activity I come up with that involves letters she does not want to do.  The other 3 children her age know just about the entire alphabet.  I've put her on since she loves playing on the computer.  She watches the videos of the letters but it hasn't changed her ability to recognize them.  There is nothing wrong with her vision.  This is a very bright child that was talking in whole sentences at age 18 months and enjoys using words like rambunctious and exhuberant.  Her favorite is exasperating which is what she says I'm doing to her.   She is a very creative storyteller and her artwork is excellent.  Any suggestions on what the problem could be. The Mom and I could use some help here before the parent-teacher conference comes up.  I want the Mom to be able to talk to the teacher armed with some info on possible causes and solutions.

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